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Former AFL player launches stunning attack against Gillon McLachlan


Former Gold Coast Suns player Joel Wilkinson says AFL CEO Gillon McLachlan’s position is “untenable” after what he described as a pattern of racist episodes under his leadership.

The criticism comes as the AFL were forced to apologise over the weekend after a communications error saw all indigenous players and club staff told to get pneumococcal vaccinations before entering hubs in Queensland.

Wilkinson said under the AFL boss’ reign, there’s been a “continuous pattern” of “dangerous” incidents.

“Gillon McLachlan you continue to fail indigenous and African players past and present,” Wilkinson tweeted on Sunday.

“There’s a continuous pattern during your reign that is racist, dangerous and must be stopped. You will resign, we’ll be making sure that happens. Your position is untenable.”

“Also, that racist letter I received from you Gillon and other parties (on) June 6th is so racist you won’t get away with it. Along with all the incidents of racism for years.”

Wilkinson played 26 games for the Suns between 2011 and 2013.

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